Мировая пресса о проекте  — Светлане Петровой и коте Заратустре.


bbc BBC, The paintings ‘made better with cats’ 

BBC Russian — «Русский экстрим»: Алеша Попович верхом на коте


channel-4 Channel 4, Extreme cat memes: the artist painting her cat into classics

Watch online[/popup]


mirror  Mirror, Pictured: World’s greatest paintings given CAT makeover by talented Russian artist


independent The Independent, Fine art improved with cats


mail-online Daily Mail

Feline arty! Artist loves her pet cat so much she’s added it to works by Botticelli, Dali and even the Mona Lisa

Art FUR art’s sake: Russian artist recreates famous paintings… featuring her very fat cat


abc-news ABC News, Good Morning America



huffington The Huffington Post

Artist Svetlana Petrova Explains The Inspiration Behind Her Fat Cat Art

Fat Cat Invades Classical Art And The Results Are Glorious

The Huffington Post Japan 名画には太っちょ猫がよく似合う【画像集】

The Huffington Post Germany, Künstlerin Svetlana Petrova und ihr dicker Kater erobern die Kunst

cbcCBC Canada, Russian artist adds big ginger cat to classic paintings


kcrw KRCW Radio, Cat’s Meow about Great Art. Edward Goldman shares the playful, feline-centric work of Russian artist Svetlana Petrova


spiegel Spiegel,  Russisches Web-Projekt: Kunst mit Kater


elmundo  El Mundo, La historia del arte contada por un gato


yahoo GMA at Yahoo!

Fat Cat in Famous Paintings Is Absolute Purr-Fection

Yahoo! Spain, Zarathustra, el gato que sale en los cuadros más importantes de la Historia

breakthru Breakthru Radio, Divine Ginger Stripes

wflaWFLA Channel 8, Cat helps make world masterpieces feline-friendly

volkskrant Volkskrant, the Netherland, Rembrandt, Vermeer en een dikke kat

rijks  Rijksmuseum official Twitter, Zarathustra the Cat gracefully enters the works of our distinguished masters


espresso L’Espresso

L’arte moderna? E’ roba da felini

Ma quel gatto è un capolavoro!


reppublica La Reppublica

Fat Cat, l’arte del fotoritocco: il protagonista è un gatto

La Gioconda con Zarathustra: il gatto rosso in mostra


mashable Mashable, Russian Artist Finds an Unexpected Muse in Fat, Orange Cat


boredpanda Bored Panda, Russian Artist Inserts Her Fat Cat Into Iconic Paintings


itsnicethat It’s nice that!

Famous Paintings Improved by Cats

Annual 2012

clarin Clarin, Argentina, Lenguaje universal

eluniversal  El Univesal, Mexico, Un gato te cuenta la historia del arte

roomieRoomie, Japan, あら何してるの? 名画に太っちょ猫が迷い込んじゃった

pracharachat  ประชาชาติธุรกิจ, Thailand, เมื่อ «แมว» แอบเข้าไปในภาพดัง


metro_uk Metro UK, Artist makes classic masterpieces even better by Photoshopping in fat ginger cat


metro-world Metro World, LOOK: Russian artist Svetlana Petrova adds fat cats to fine art


Metro Canada, Metro Holland,  Metro Sweden, Metro Russia




sobaka-logo Собака.ру

Заратустра: самый популярный кот интернета

Светлана Петрова: «Мемы уже давно пора признать искусством, так же как и граффити»


adme Adme, Просто добавь кота